The Week in Review:
Thursday at Pioneer Book in Orem was the release party for Tristi Pinkston's new mystery book, Targets in Ties. The event was a multi-author book signing which included two youth authors, Jenni James (The Jane Austen Diaries) and Andrea Pearson (the Kilenya series)
On Saturday I went to Berin Stephens' Time Gangsters launch party at his home in Orem. He dressed up in his cool, 1920s gangster outfit, complete with pretend Tommy gun. There were munchies and fun 1920s trivia quizzes, and saxophone music playing in the background. His home is beautiful and his family is so nice!
At Berin's event I even met a new illustrator and author! His name is Bryan Beus and he is employed by Shadow Mountain Publishing. He's part of Berin's critique group and just signed a middle-grade contract with SM for a book due out in 2013. Previously he's done illustration for SM including the hardcover covers for the first two of James Dashner's 13th Reality series, as well as the internal artwork (still intact in the paperback versions).
Transcendent: Tales of the Paranormal, a short story anthology (won from Wendy Swore @ Goddess of the Corn) Time Gangsters by Berin L. Stephens
A Look Ahead:
Tuesday, Feb. 7th @ 6 pm, Newbery Winning author Rebecca Stead will be presenting at the Provo Library for the ProvoREADS! program! She will be discussing her book When You Reach Me as well as it's relation to Madeleine L'Engle's book A Wrinkle in Time which is celebrating its 50th year! The free tickets for this event are now gone, but there will be a stand-by line.
Thursday - Saturday, Feb. 9th - 11th are going to be BUSY days!

There will be a mass LTUE book signing on Friday from 8 pm -10 pm that will be open to the public. Click here for the list of authors.
And Saturday there will be a special LTUE Educators' Conference --click here for info on that.
There's also the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Midwinter Conference at the Brigham Young University Conference Center. Here's the website with the details.
The Snow Queen ballet, based on the tale by Hans Christian Andersen, will also be held on these days at 7:30 pm at the Brigham Young University, Pardoe Theater in the Harris Fine Arts Center. Click here for more info.
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